法律用英文说 (Legal Terms in English)


Legal terminology can vary from one country to another, but there are several common legal terms used in English that are recognized and understood globally. Understanding these terms is crucial for anyone involved in legal matters, whether it be lawyers, judges, or individuals seeking legal guidance. In this article, we will discuss and explain some of the essential legal terms used in the English language.

1. Jurisdiction:

Jurisdiction refers to the authority of a court to hear and decide a legal case. It determines which court has the power to hear a particular case, based on factors such as geographic location, subject matter, or other relevant criteria.

2. Plaintiff:

A plaintiff is the party who initiates a lawsuit. They are the person or organization that brings a legal claim against another party, known as the defendant, seeking a legal remedy or resolution.

3. Defendant:

The defendant is the party against whom a legal claim or action is brought. They are the person or organization being sued or accused of wrongdoing. In criminal cases, the defendant is often referred to as the accused.

4. Evidence:

Evidence refers to the information, materials, or facts presented in a legal case to support or refute a claim. It can include testimony, documents, physical objects, expert opinions, or any other relevant information that helps to establish the truth or facts of the case.

5. Verdict:

A verdict is the decision reached by a judge or jury at the conclusion of a trial. It determines whether the defendant is found guilty or not guilty in a criminal case or liable or not liable in a civil case.

6. Due Process:

Due process is a fundamental principle that ensures fair treatment and protection of an individual's rights in legal proceedings. It guarantees that all individuals are entitled to notice, a fair hearing, and an opportunity to present their case before a decision is made.

7. Contract:

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines their rights and obligations. It establishes the terms and conditions of the agreement, including payment terms, performance expectations, and remedies for breach of contract.

8. Tort:

A tort is a civil wrong or harm committed against an individual, resulting in legal liability for the person responsible. It includes actions such as negligence, defamation, or intentional infliction of emotional distress.

9. Intellectual Property:

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, artistic works, literary works, names, symbols, and designs, which are protected by law. It includes patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

10. Statute of Limitations:

The statute of limitations is a legal timeframe within which a lawsuit can be filed. It sets a time limit after which a claim cannot be pursued in court. The length of the statute of limitations varies depending on the type of case and jurisdiction.


Understanding legal terminology is essential for anyone involved in legal matters or seeking legal guidance. This article has provided an overview of some fundamental legal terms used in the English language, including jurisdiction, plaintiff, defendant, evidence, verdict, due process, contract, tort, intellectual property, and statute of limitations. Familiarity with these terms will help individuals navigate the legal system more effectively and communicate their needs and concerns to legal professionals.

